Frequently Asked Question

Trend Micro - Worry Free Services expired - clients don't show up on console
Last Updated 6 years ago

Όλες οι λύσεις της Trend Micro παρέχουν περίοδο χάριτος (grace period) ενός μήνα μετά τη λήξη του συμβολαίου.
Ειδικά για τις λύσεις Worry Free Services (cloud κονσόλα διαχείρισης), ισχύει ότι 30 ημέρες μετά και την περίοδο χάριτος, οι clients αποσυνδέονται από την κονσόλα, οπότε θα πρέπει να εφαρμοστεί η παρακάτω διαδικασία.

If the last expiration date of the license was last October 2017 and was just recently renewed this January 2018, that will be the reason why the agents are not showing up in the console anymore, since it has exceeded the 60days, the information has been purged automatically.

For the agents to show up again in the console, you could email what we call the "magic link" to each users on the machine and just click it for the agents to appear back to the console.

You can find the magic link in here:
Open Worry Free Business Security Services web console > Devices tab > click Add Devices > under the Email Installation Link to Others, click Send Email > send it to all email addresses on those machines that have the Security Agents > let them click the link, and wait for the Activation to finish > the agents should eventually appear back in the console.

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